Fall Encampment 2023

Registration Process

1. Fill out this form in order to reserve your space. Registration must be submitted by SEPTEMBER 1, 2023.

2. Make your payment at: https://my.cheddarup.com/c/fall-encampment-2023-bubble-camp

Please make arrangements with Mendy elementsofmagic@gmail.com if you want to pay via Troop check, money order or cookie reward cards. Note: Financial aid is ONLY available to registered GSUSA members. No refunds unless event is canceled.

3.  Complete the Roster template, with all names/contacts of registrants attending. Submit it to Mendy elementsofmagic@gmail.com and Corey chindersinn@gmail.com.

Troop Paperwork (get your parents to fill these out and keep them with you at camp)

Important Notes